adventures in the elevator

much like kenny, he always has the hood of his parka up

he’ll never enter the elevator if you’re already in there

if you enter the elevator with him already in it (as he lives on the 6th/top floor and has to perilously travel past all the other floors every time he leaves or returns, this happens fairly often), he will move as far away from you as he can (in an elevator, this is not very far)

he never talks to anyone. when the elevator goes up he’ll sometimes mumble something about crashing. the moment he gets outside he’ll start chanting something. occasionally he’ll shout something, but it’s never directed at anyone. at least not anyone you can see

in his seven years living there, siggimus has never ever ever ever heard him making conversation


when the elevator door opened to let siggimus in, a pained expression came over him. he looked down and inched closer to the wall

siggimus entered the elevator and pressed the close door button

‘what does that button do?’

‘you press it to close the door’

‘the door closes automatically’

‘erm, it makes the door close a little bit faster’


‘this button keeps the door open’







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