travel tips for…

airports all over the world

don’t be just another franchise in the chain of hell

kastrup airport

offering people the chance to check in via one of those clever little kiosks you have all over & then having them wait in the same check-in line as the un-checked-in others to hand over baggage, kinda defeats the purpose


asking, 30 mins after planned takeoff, whether everyone is absolutely sure they want to go to riga & not vilnius, hinting that it woulda been an easy mistake to make, as the plane to vilnius looked exactly the same & was sitting at the next gate over, does not inspire great confidence in your (or kastrup’s) abilities to handle the complexities of modern air travel

& running around for 20 more minutes after that with puzzlement & wonder written all over your faces before taking off without any explanation does not add to aforementioned inspirations


greeting dignitaries with temperatures of -14°c, is just not done






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