interesting read

gave siggimus quite a bit to ponder

According to Andrew Oswald, an economist at Warwick University, one explanation is that under capitalism we spend too much time looking over our shoulders at the Joneses. The other – more compelling – theory is that because of higher educational expectations and the onus on achievement, more and more of us are tortured by our failure to live up to the aspirations of youth.

-why is noone talking about the fact that the icelandic economic upsurge (‘goodyear’) around 2000 was accompanied by a campaign against suicide?

-why do we keep buying stuff in order to feel better, knowing the fix blows over very quickly?

-ignorance is bliss? is it possible for highly intelligent people to be really happy?

aren’t the more intelligent people prone to overthinking things & hence more likely to feel bad about their lives?

Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.

John Stuart Mill

depression is sorta like having your own personal radio station between your ears. it’s always on and spews out negative crap, but you only hear it when your brain is in neutral

the thing to do is set up a pirate station with positive things & blast it to 11

it’s a question of the simple things; not doing special things you enjoy, but enjoying the little things you do

once in a while, do a list with the good and the bad stuff in your life. focus on the good, you probably won’t need much help with the bad stuff…

it’s probably not a bad way to combat that radio station





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