siggimus vs the cows
mr snow
mr snow, originally uploaded by siggimus. says hi!
no, ikea
no, ikea, originally uploaded by siggimus. no matter what your illustrated, wordless documentation says, one of these is not a screw
wrapping up
wrapping up, originally uploaded by siggimus. christmas
there’s no cheese
there’s no cheese, originally uploaded by siggimus. but there are cucumbers! [what the what?? this week, chef is away from work, so there won’t be anything to eat. what’s worse is that there is no cheese!! found a few cucumbers that will have to do]
bunny, pt ii
bunny, pt ii, originally uploaded by siggimus. now with more carrot
bunny, originally uploaded by siggimus. nibbling on candle (for the berries) update: that’s actually not a candle, but an candle-holder made from ice and berries
ooooops, originally uploaded by siggimus. :s
alftavatn, originally uploaded by siggimus. lake