carless day

as today is carless day, siggimus last night took time out of his busy schedule to fix the rear tire of his bicycle

instead of trying to repatch the already patched tube, siggimus splurged on replacing it with a spanking new one, straight from the box!

not too easy to focus, with the little bundle of joy & beauty exercising her vocals at the same time

still, siggimus managed, and it only took about 30 mins to pump up the tire afterwards, with that cute, but minuscule bicycle pump

waking up this morning, siggimus is excited about cycling for the first time in 2 months or so, even if it looked a bit chilly out

chilly day - perfect for first day of cycling in 2 months!
chilly day – perfect for first day of cycling in 2 months!

so, on the bike siggimus climbs, heading off slowly into the chilly morn

careful and on the lookout for icy patches, and even carefuller taking care not to strain his by now decrepit muscles, siggimus takes it slowly, but shirley

cycling off in the rising morning sun
cycling off in the rising morning sun

things go well, and no icy spots to be seen

but hey! what is that odd, but by now nearly familiar clonk?

it can’t be!?

can it be?!?


the brand new tube has punctured

so, on the brand new tube, siggimus managed go a whopping 1,4 km, in about 3 mins, in the icy icy icy freezing cold

going back those same 1,4 km, bicycle with punctured rear tire in tow, takes 15, in the icy icy icy freezing cold

… to get the car & drive to work on carless day :s

so, happy fucken carless day!






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