Tag: report

  • pu ha

    for the third year in a row, siggimus survives cycle to work it is now five days since siggimus unmounted his trusty steed, & he has sufficiently recovered to bring you: ctw 2011 report, extended version in yet another victory of stubbornness and cantankerous determination, siggimus manages to cycle more than last year. last year…

  • 400,82

    while endlessly proud of himself, siggimus is quite possibly & probably dead on the last day of cycle to work, he somehow managed to go 77,55 km, bringing the grand total for those 13 days to 400,82 km but how did siggimus do it? what’s the secret? superhuman strength was involved, of course, but mostly…

  • it’s over!

    & siggimus survived!! siggimus is quite happy about his achievement in the whole thing, especially after losing a whole week to a sprained neck (walking that one day) in numbers 21 – days in total 14 – working days (thus days counted in thingy) 4 – days missed (because of sprained neck ‘sports’ injury) 12…