Tag: english
war and peas?
Hmmm, what is it you call that thing you make in Excel..?
The difference between mom and dad is that one of them knows when to stop taking pictures
Muphry’s Law
Muphry’s Law is the editorial application of the better-known Murphy’s Law. Muphry’s Law dictates that:
Á þeim hrossaflugum sem ég hef skoðað virðast ekki nema 3-4 af 6 löppum gera nokkuð gagn, og max annar vængurinn. Eina mögulega skýringin á hrossaflugum…
“I fucking hate opera! It’s just fucking vowels! Subsidised, foreign, vowels!!” Malcolm Tucker, In the thick of it
You can’t have a coworker without cow
einn bjór enn á Propaganda/one more beer at Propaganda
Sandra fær hugmynd: Telma, viltu vera kisa? /Sandra has a great idea: Telma, you want to be a cat?
þegar dætur þínar eru búnar að hirða öll flottu sólgleraugun when the girls have taken all the cool sunglasses…
“There’s a wonderful book you should read” See on whattheduck.net