Tag: english
“Telling someone who trusts you that you’re giving them medicine, when you know you’re not, because you want their money, isn’t just lying – it’s like an example you’d make up if you had to illustrate for a child why lying is wrong.” xkcd https://xkcd.com/971/
Nei, það var ekki Albert sem gerði þetta piparkökuhús fyrir jólaföndrið í skólanum. Það voru vissulega efasemdir um hvort við ættum að setja húsið í keppnina, en Ance og stelpurnar ákváðu að slá til og fengu svo verðlaun fyrir athyglisverðasta húsið No, Albert wasn´t even near when Ance & girls made this gingerbread masterpiece for…
What a lime to be alive!
so much for those breadcrumbs Since the 1980s, we have given the rich a bigger slice of our pie in the belief that they would create more wealth, making the pie bigger than otherwise possible in the long run. The rich got a bigger slice of the pie all right, but have actually reduced the…
„Ladies and gentlemen, we wish you a peasant fight“
We took the kids to the Whales of Iceland museum
Albert (13m) er á þessu dásamlega skeiði þar sem hann gengur sitt á hvað eins og hann sé drukkinn eða uppvakningur Albert is learning to walk and is currently at that wonderful stage where he walks either as if he’s drunk or a zombie
Chillar og horfir á Urra / Raa Raa and chill
Dream job
Had this on my wall at work for a long time
By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you. Mike Godwin
Heading to the river for some swimming
Osom mýs
Einhver er greinilega ekki mjög flínkur að telja því það eru augljóslega tvær osom mýs hér! /someone obviously hasn’t learnt to count very well because there are clearly two awesome mice here!