Tag: cycling
bicicle repaired man
bicicle repaired man, originally uploaded by siggimus. (please ignore that beer)
bicycle repair man
bicycle repair man, originally uploaded by siggimus. day!
avertissement!, originally uploaded by siggimus. read instructions carefully, proceed with extreme caution & ride this mountain bike at your own, personal risk improper & careless handling of this self-powered transportation device can result in serious injury or death
can’t say
can’t say, originally uploaded by siggimus. siggimus didn’t try! (with thom yorke in ears, singing i’m not here this isn’t happening)
frozen bit
frozen bit, originally uploaded by siggimus. one of a multitude that siggimus somehow managed to deftly circumnavigate, despite his disquietude what began as mild apprehension & slight concern, soon mutated into unabated fear, interspersed with near-panic and debilitating terror attacks as the frozen little bits reflected the beam from his super-duper headlight, as it slit open the hungry tar…
adventures in cycling
although the ‘cycle to work’ project has long ended, siggimus heroically & unselfishly still cycles to work a lot. you could say it’s to save the environment, you could say he’s a good man. actually, you could say a lot of things about siggimus, all but three of them good this has unwittingly put him…
breaking, originally uploaded by siggimus. pb speed records (& some of the lesser laws of physics too) update: so, that’s the bicycle speedometer boldly stating that siggimuses max speed this morning was 254,0 km/h considering the thoughts that reaching 215,2 km/h sparked, this is — at 30% over terminal velocity — can we agree on…
it’s over!
& siggimus survived!! siggimus is quite happy about his achievement in the whole thing, especially after losing a whole week to a sprained neck (walking that one day) in numbers 21 – days in total 14 – working days (thus days counted in thingy) 4 – days missed (because of sprained neck ‘sports’ injury) 12…