Tag: ctw

  • victory

    victory, originally uploaded by siggimus. is ours! after all that hard work, victory in our company size group is ours! (actually, crushing, demolishing, annihilating victory is ours) (leftmost plaque – most days cycled per person – 12,16 (out of 13) rightmost plaque – most kms cycled per person – 264,39) mind you, the proof is…

  • salagrill

    salagrill, originally uploaded by siggimus. erm … kópavogur?!?

  • shaken

    shaken, originally uploaded by siggimus. & spilt 🙁 turns out it’s not such an excellent idea to store your pepsi in your bike-bag as you whoosh around metropolises on your trusty steed

  • ship

    ship, originally uploaded by siggimus. on dry land

  • the long way

    the long way, originally uploaded by siggimus. home

  • 300

    300, originally uploaded by siggimus. on the occasion of passing 300 km total in ctw, siggimus thought it only fitting to reach max speed 300,0 km/h

  • hannes detour

    so, en route to work this morning, a wee detour was made, going to álftanes for breakfast-hannes, some 16 km either way not a big deal, you may say, but take into account the wind & rain & the fact that maybe 500-1.000 metres from hannes location, siggimus got a puncture, a flat, a deflated…

  • puncture

    puncture, originally uploaded by siggimus. just the thing when you’re 16 km from work

  • 36 bikes, 3 cars

    36 bikes, 3 cars, originally uploaded by siggimus. a bitter, bitter, bitter disappointment… 3 cars??!

  • living on the edge

    living on the edge, originally uploaded by siggimus. painfully aware that great danger & peril await him at every turn of the pedal, siggimus still bravely cycles on, against the wind