Tag: coffee

  • Kaffi!

    From Fowlcomics:

  • Sterkt

    Pabbi: „Jú sko, mamma er með venjulegt kaffi, en pabbi er með espresso, sem er mjög sterkt og alltaf í svona pínulitlum bolla“ Dóttir: „Sterkara en tyggjóið hans afa?“

  • Kaffi

    Ance: *stelur frá mér kaffi úr pressukönnunni* Ance: „Almáttugur! Þetta er bara leðja!“ Ég: „You say that like it’s a bad thing“

  • mikilvægasta máltíð dagsins /most important meal of the day

  • getting in touch

    getting in touch, originally uploaded by siggimus. with his feminine side, is siggimus at the same time, retaining his considerable masculinity intact & unblemished this is achieved by drinking pitch black industrial strength tar from a pink cup with a cute doggy & lots of hearts

  • new brew

    after an appropriate period of mourning, siggimus has dug out this old thing & is experimenting with it – another exciting chapter in his lifelong search for the perfect brew

  • moka hope

  • :'(

    (actually, it’s not all gloom & doom @ casa siggimusum these days) but this is sad indeed after years & years of diligent, faithful service, you will be sorely missed, sweet, sweet maker of delicious, chest-hair-growing, industrial strength life juice oh! the memories!! you will always have a special place in the heart of siggimus

  • konudagur

    konudagur, originally uploaded by siggimus. let it not be said of siggimus that he mistreats his hard-working-book-keeping-studying-wife on wifeday (hence the coffee, slice of cake & grapes, not the cow-calculator or book-keeping-book)

  • making coffee

    making coffee, originally uploaded by siggimus. with the addition of brand new coffee-grinder, siggimuses coffee snobbery reaches heights hitherto thought inconceivable & normally reserved for royalty

  • tiny cup

    tiny cup, originally uploaded by siggimus. or humongous hand?

  • oh

    oh, originally uploaded by siggimus. the humanity!!