siggimus vs the cows
caution! movies will never be the same after you watch this [via] [more on wilhelm & other movie clichés]
alright then
alright then, originally uploaded by siggimus. so, where does siggimus sit?
tooth max?
tooth max?, originally uploaded by siggimus. smells like toothpaste :s
konudagur, originally uploaded by siggimus. let it not be said of siggimus that he mistreats his hard-working-book-keeping-studying-wife on wifeday (hence the coffee, slice of cake & grapes, not the cow-calculator or book-keeping-book)
where’s ance?
silhouette, originally uploaded by siggimus. can you find her?
on top of eldborg, originally uploaded by siggimus. has siggimus looked this small (compared to eldborg crater, standing on which siggimus is, siggimus is puny)