siggimus vs the cows

  • welcome to

    welcome to, originally uploaded by siggimus. the easterfestival!

  • mister fixit

    siggimus donned his electrician’s cap & heroically installed two brand new lights today! & by today, siggimus means all day, including hours & hours spent wondering why changing a light in rooms 1 & 2 would result in no electricity whatsoever in rooms 2 & 3 fortunately, brother in law & handyman víðir was at…

  • Snæfellsnes

  • missing a bus

    missing a bus, originally uploaded by siggimus. one bus seems to have been mislaid on this beautiful, but chilly morn

  • death ray

    someone attempted to assassinate easter egg cow fortunately she was mostly unharmed same can not be said of throne

  • moka hope

  • :'(

    (actually, it’s not all gloom & doom @ casa siggimusum these days) but this is sad indeed after years & years of diligent, faithful service, you will be sorely missed, sweet, sweet maker of delicious, chest-hair-growing, industrial strength life juice oh! the memories!! you will always have a special place in the heart of siggimus

  • freckled

    freckled, originally uploaded by siggimus. banana

  • little girl

    little girl, originally uploaded by siggimus. (part of)

  • balls!

    march moustache madness, originally uploaded by siggimus. the things one does for one’s balls! just in case you’re wondering (sweet mother of god, i hope you’re wondering!), it’s for a good cause, so go donate away

  • avertissement!

    avertissement!, originally uploaded by siggimus. read instructions carefully, proceed with extreme caution & ride this mountain bike at your own, personal risk improper & careless handling of this self-powered transportation device can result in serious injury or death

  • the chickens

    went to theatre last night, saw the chicken (hænuungarnir) by bragi ólafsson, of former sugarcubes bass-plucking fame, of current poet, novelist & playwright fame sigurhans, a big jazz aficionado calls an extra meeting with the residents of his building, with the aim of outing his next-door neighbours as the perpetrators of the monstrous theft of his 8 frozen…