siggimus vs the cows
you could easily find much better pictures of this thing & a lot of people have gone a lot closer, but siggimus is still proud of his little trip to peek at the thing. & while 14 km isn’t exactly close, at least he got to see the earth spewing molten magma more on flickr:
five jive
five jive, originally uploaded by siggimus. won (by other team) with siggimus pocketing 6 in a row; 4 colours + black & white (apparently, pocketing that white ball in the same shot as the black is a bad thing)
four for
four for, originally uploaded by siggimus. siggimuses team! match in one
three a wee
three a wee, originally uploaded by siggimus. bit lost
two too
two too, originally uploaded by siggimus. incredibly, considering the utter crapness of siggimuses poolplaying abilities
one won
one won, originally uploaded by siggimus. (by siggimus of course!)
not close, really
not close, really, originally uploaded by siggimus. but still kinda cool
eyjafjallajokull, originally uploaded by siggimus. from afar
the hunt
happy easter!
straw, originally uploaded by siggimus. (home made easter egg with markers from straw & stockings) more pics from flickr:
trolley, originally uploaded by siggimus. in the snow
new brew
after an appropriate period of mourning, siggimus has dug out this old thing & is experimenting with it – another exciting chapter in his lifelong search for the perfect brew