siggimus vs the cows
the long way
the long way, originally uploaded by siggimus. home
perfect day?
perfect day?, originally uploaded by siggimus. 🙂
tomato, originally uploaded by siggimus. has been through the embiggulator a couple times
beautiful day
beautiful day, originally uploaded by siggimus. on the balcony (trying to stay out of way of pregnant wife working)
kitchen tiles
kitchen tiles, originally uploaded by siggimus. are on!
aaaaargh!, originally uploaded by siggimus. not again?!? 🙁
300, originally uploaded by siggimus. on the occasion of passing 300 km total in ctw, siggimus thought it only fitting to reach max speed 300,0 km/h
result, originally uploaded by siggimus. of hours & hours & (it seemed) hours of work by mr & ms siggimus, cleaning outside house (before, you could hardly see there was pavement there. it looked like the amazon jungle)
eyjafjallajökull ash
eyjafjallajökull, originally uploaded by siggimus. this time from some 150 km away, from siggimuses (lush green) balcony
tomato, originally uploaded by siggimus. smallest in creation? (microscopic, but homemade!!)