siggimus vs the cows

  • close

    branch, originally uploaded by siggimus. up

  • watching tv

    watching tv, originally uploaded by siggimus. of course

  • victory

    victory, originally uploaded by siggimus. is ours! after all that hard work, victory in our company size group is ours! (actually, crushing, demolishing, annihilating victory is ours) (leftmost plaque – most days cycled per person – 12,16 (out of 13) rightmost plaque – most kms cycled per person – 264,39) mind you, the proof is…

  • never too many

    never too many, originally uploaded by siggimus. elephants or sundays

  • fighting spirit

    fighting spirit, originally uploaded by siggimus.

  • kitchen appliance

    kitchen appliance, originally uploaded by siggimus. circus!

  • getting in touch

    getting in touch, originally uploaded by siggimus. with his feminine side, is siggimus at the same time, retaining his considerable masculinity intact & unblemished this is achieved by drinking pitch black industrial strength tar from a pink cup with a cute doggy & lots of hearts

  • 400,82

    while endlessly proud of himself, siggimus is quite possibly & probably dead on the last day of cycle to work, he somehow managed to go 77,55 km, bringing the grand total for those 13 days to 400,82 km but how did siggimus do it? what’s the secret? superhuman strength was involved, of course, but mostly…

  • Extremely proud, but quite possibly dead. Cycled 77 km today, bringing the total for 13 days of cycle to work just over 400 km. pu ha! Thinking of taking the car tomorrow…

  • salagrill

    salagrill, originally uploaded by siggimus. erm … kópavogur?!?

  • shaken

    shaken, originally uploaded by siggimus. & spilt 🙁 turns out it’s not such an excellent idea to store your pepsi in your bike-bag as you whoosh around metropolises on your trusty steed

  • ship

    ship, originally uploaded by siggimus. on dry land