siggimus vs the cows
letter, handwritten
erm :s from the mailbox: (of course it’s not addressed to siggimus (or anyone else, for that matter) & it’s entirely possible that siggimus can’t read, but…) neat, decorated with some glitter spermazoid, picture of folding garden chair, & a tiny flag stapled onto (click pic for big) oscar 14:4-9 all the things are possible…
it’s harvest time on the wee farm so the wee farmers went out with their wee tools & harvested (click thingy or thingy to go hither & thither & see more pics)
gnome ansland
although work is practically a nomansland these days — you could go days without seeing or even smelling a human — we always have this jolly little feller to comfort us & soothe
mercy mercy mercy
mercy mercy mercy, originally uploaded by siggimus. show some, please!
comfy chair
comfy chair, originally uploaded by siggimus.
hiking in jungle
hiking in jungle, originally uploaded by siggimus. in scorching heat
the one that got away
the one that got away, originally uploaded by siggimus.
short trip
short trip, originally uploaded by siggimus. to ice(cream)land