siggimus vs the cows

  • puk!

    puk!, originally uploaded by siggimus. ornella was hit 🙁

  • bad greeting

    bad greeting, originally uploaded by siggimus. minton card

  • luksus

    luksus, originally uploaded by siggimus. the good stuff

  • sex

    sex, originally uploaded by siggimus. or átta?

  • 10 years ago today—suffering hangovers of biblical proportions—i was fired from my part time job as proofreader at the baltic times—for not being a native english speaker—and promptly replaced by a chilean-latvian actually, gvido was sitting there when they told me, proofreading away

  • sumsé, fyrir að koma með ís fyrir alla (alla! ekki bara skemmtilega fólkið!) fékk siggimus sungið um sig: hann er ekki dauður en það líður að því G. J. Briem as is custom, siggimus brought goodies as is custom, colleagues repaid him in song, a personal, private, unique rendering of the birthday ditty for siggimus…

  • before & after

    some timely changes are coming to the breakfast buffet

  • Við hjá Sabre Iceland ætlum að leggja okkar af mörkum með því að styrkja árlegt fatasöfnunarverkefni Rauða Krossins. Við ætlum að safna ungbarnafötum í pakka sem verða sendir til Hvíta Rússlands og Malawi fyrir þurfandi einstæðar mæður. Í pakkana fara peysur, samfellur, buxur, sokkar, húfur, teppi, handklæði og taubleyjur fyrir 0-1 árs. Það munar um…

  • hjalmar

    hjalmar, originally uploaded by siggimus. live 🙂

  • spot on

    baby, originally uploaded by siggimus. should clear up all confusion on how to best operate & maintain the child (a gift from óskar)

  • family portrait

    family portrait, originally uploaded by siggimus. as commissioned from aldís lóa (that chick to the lower right is apparently sísí. she saw the sun. four times, if you believe the text)

  • spiders (kidsmoke)

    infinitely cool