siggimus vs the cows
turtlus fluffus islandicus
turtlus fluffus islandicus, originally uploaded by siggimus. a rare sighting indeed, as can only be found in iceland, hiding in (leafless) bushes
alien invasion
alien invasion, originally uploaded by siggimus. or graffiti?
bench leaves
bench leaves, originally uploaded by siggimus.
glowing, originally uploaded by siggimus. hospital
fooooog!, originally uploaded by siggimus.
cat + fly
a fairly accurate depiction of events yesterday @ casa siggimusum:
cats playing
the sun also rises
sunrise, originally uploaded by siggimus. and lights the sky on fire
awesomeness, originally uploaded by siggimus. totally & scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
cold as eff and slightly snowy
cold as eff and slightly snowy, originally uploaded by siggimus. but practically no ice at all 🙁 the studs will have to prove their awesomeness later