siggimus vs the cows
drink cold
drink cold, originally uploaded by siggimus. and with respect
christmas egg?
christmas egg?, originally uploaded by siggimus. or what?
black stallion
black stallion, originally uploaded by siggimus. rides again update: or more correctly: brown stallion, pt ii: black stallion or alternatively, and also more correctly: return of the brown stallion: this time it’s black
street with no name
street with no name, originally uploaded by siggimus.
gnomy santa, originally uploaded by siggimus. little gnome helping us have a merry christmas indeed cello playing snowman, originally uploaded by siggimus. this guy’s cello playing helps too
freaky shit
freaky shit, originally uploaded by siggimus. that thing’s not human :s
as if …
a slightly crashed into car wasn’t enough … a broken bike (a bit actually came off! – quite an important bit) wasn’t enough … a dead tv wasn’t enough … a laptop starting to pose as a paperweight wasn’t enough … another dead tv wasn’t enough … the (admittedly) ancient desktop puter has now decided to…
another day
another day, originally uploaded by siggimus. another dead tv promptly evicted when we discovered where that foul stench was coming from :s erm … are fumes from a recently deceased tv much toxic?
christmas, originally uploaded by siggimus. beer