siggimus vs the cows
5 pounds
5 pounds, originally uploaded by siggimus. johann’s
mush, originally uploaded by siggimus. rooms, tiny
fishy, originally uploaded by siggimus. fish
out of the sun
out of the sun, originally uploaded by siggimus. & into the whatever
summer, originally uploaded by siggimus. is here?
snowy esja
snowy esja, originally uploaded by siggimus. brrrrr!
fixing, originally uploaded by siggimus. a plane
bouncy, originally uploaded by siggimus. castle & beer are just 2 of the things siggimus will miss tonight
pu ha
for the third year in a row, siggimus survives cycle to work it is now five days since siggimus unmounted his trusty steed, & he has sufficiently recovered to bring you: ctw 2011 report, extended version in yet another victory of stubbornness and cantankerous determination, siggimus manages to cycle more than last year. last year…