siggimus vs the cows
Kaffi Markús
Gengum inn í rafmagnað andrúmsloft á Kaffi Markús (sumarkaffihús í félagsmiðstöðinni Miðbergi) í dag. Nokkrir unglingar og kona undir áttræðu kepptu af hörku í bingó Enginn gaf neitt eftir, en sú gamla var langbest. Hún rúllaði ungviðinu upp og gekk út með gjafabréf í Dogma
Úff!! eftir örfáar spennandi mínútur byrjar „drilidrull“
Giant sun!
Sitting in the living room earlier, Sandra jumped up and shouted “Giant, giant, giant sun!!” Excited, I ran to the window to see it, only to see dark gray clouds and pissing rain. After a few moments of disappointment, it struck me! Of course! How would she recognise it?! She’s not even 3 years old!!
Skil ekki hvað fólk getur endalaust tuðað og nöldrað yfir veðrinu Fórum með stelpurnar útá svalir og gátum auðveldlega verið þar í alveg 12-13 mínútur
nick cave
sigh!! so, siggimus was given away as a birthday present – his task, should he accept it, was to escort another man’s wife (not his own) to a concert by one nick cave after little to no pleading, siggimus accepted the challenge nick cave & the bad seeds delivered, as is their wont during jubilee…
freaky cat
freaky cat
Birthday present
siggimus was given as a birthday present! well, as part of a birthday present. the other half (ehem) is one nick cave, who will be crooning his ditties