Category: nothing
the mountain
the mountain, originally uploaded by siggimus. up close
who in their right mind
who in their right mind, originally uploaded by siggimus. buys a bicycle when he lives up on a mountain?
caution, originally uploaded by siggimus. a much needed warning for those about to wade in or swim across
trial, originally uploaded by siggimus. run successful now let’s see if siggimus survives the trip back :s
fishy, originally uploaded by siggimus. fish
public, originally uploaded by siggimus. penalty for not enjoying work?
gigantic, originally uploaded by siggimus. hand or tiny eminems?
not quite sure how, but somehow siggimus made it all the way from the bike shop & home speedometer says 6,43 km, although it felt more like 6.000 km siggimus only walked about 50 metres of that – a short bit that is nearly vertical, or at least that’s what it felt like with legs…
not quite
not quite, originally uploaded by siggimus. dead but not quite alive either :s
apprehensive, originally uploaded by siggimus. doesn’t quite capture the mood, but comes really close
siggimuses, originally uploaded by siggimus. place
not, originally uploaded by siggimus. in gran canaria in september but in iceland in april