hannes detour

so, en route to work this morning, a wee detour was made, going to álftanes for breakfast-hannes, some 16 km either way

not a big deal, you may say, but take into account the wind & rain & the fact that maybe 500-1.000 metres from hannes location, siggimus got a puncture, a flat, a deflated rear tire

luckily, colleague (& superhero) geir had patches & helped with swift repair before heading to work

route (click for larger):

cycling hannes
cycling hannes

(shorter line is driving route – longer, squiggly bit is route siggimus cycled)

so, while siggimus isn’t quite sure how he managed, he somehow managed to cycle 37,3 kms this morning, taking 1:47:21 doing it, averaging 20,8 km/h





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