ultimate girl group

god help the girl

one time i was looking for a model to be on a belle and sebastian single sleeve. i asked catherine. she agreed to be handcuffed to railings near my house for the white collar boy single.

we borrowed the manacles from the bbc prop department. rebus, i think it was. we had the key, i tried it, and it worked ok! of course, as soon as we locked catherine to the fence near the river, we couldn’t get her out. the cuffs got tighter, the wind blew colder, and the poor girl started to look a bit faint.

we had to call the fire brigade. six of them turned up, really fast! plus two coppers! i think they liked the idea of a maiden in distress. they gave me a lot of dirty looks.

“don’t tell them we’re doing this for a band or anything,” i whispered to my wife, who was helping with the pictures.

a burly policemen walked up. “hello, officer!” i burbled. “sorry about this.”

“you’re in belle and sebastian, aren’t you?” he said, as though he were mentally adding that to the list of crimes.

from here

siggimus, for one, is starting to get a bit excited about this ultimate girl group

(see also this)






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