it’s over!

& siggimus survived!!

siggimus is quite happy about his achievement in the whole thing, especially after losing a whole week to a sprained neck (walking that one day)

in numbers

21 – days in total

14 – working days (thus days counted in thingy)

4 – days missed (because of sprained neck ‘sports’ injury)

12 – days counted (you’re allowed to make up for missed days, as long as you go to work)

1 – days out of those 12 walked (permitted!)

11 – days cycled

19,21 – average distance per day, in km

19 – trips cycled (not necessary to cycle both ways)

230.470 – total distance cycled, in metres

13:34:38 – total time spent cycling

32,17 – longest day-distance, in km

97% – infection rate of cycling bug

1-2 – days siggimus will rest before getting back into saddle

although siggimus will barely manage the workplace average in distance, siggimus takes comfort in two things. 1) if he had actually cycled 3 more days, at average of 20,52 km per day (if you only count the days cycled), siggimus woulda been a bit over the average 🙂 2) the workplace average is offset by seriously lunaticcy people who had cycled over 580 kms last time siggimus checked





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