spanking new ride!

so, siggimus finally re-realises an old dream & invests in a bike!!

tralala 🙂

won’t get it until saturday, but spends his time until then looking at a pic of it & dreams of whooshing down the streets with wind in hair

(through helmet, of course!!)

the siggimus ride
the siggimus spanking new ride

siggimus is fully aware that he will be the target of mockery & ridicule for buying a bicycle with the label ‘comfort’ (the teenager salesman actually said he wouldn’t want one now, but definitely when he got old)

let them mock, jide, lampoon, jeer, mock & even deride siggimus if they so desire, for siggimus cares not!


siggimus is quite happy & will be even happier when he finally gets to ride the monster






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