immigrant song

things have really started moving in casa siggimusum

an immigrant has joined the household to great cheers & jubilations

2 weeks ago, even

but that doesn’t mean the immigrant has been sitting on idly its hands as some might think!

day 1
cheering & happy-dancing

day 2
‘immigrant wants to apply for kennitala.’
‘noooo, immigrant needs a signed job contract’

day 3
language course! comes home with frown: ‘ég er ekki með kennitölu’ 🙁

day 4
meets with hospital hrm person
‘pulmonary? sure! pulmonary sounds great!’
comes home with truckloads of papers & brochures & stuff for immigrants
language course

day 8
‘immigrant wants to apply for kennitala’, take ii
‘here is signed letter saying immigrant will get job’
‘noooo, immigrant needs signed job contract’
‘noooo, immigrant needs signed job contract’
‘but immigrant can’t get signed contract without kennitala’
‘yes, immigrant can’
‘no, immigrant can’t’
‘yes, immigrant can’
siggimus & immigrant call hrm person. hrm person not happy: ‘let me talk to someone’
someone: ‘no, immigrant can’t’ … ‘yes, but … but! … no, but …’
hrm person to siggimus: ‘fucken idiots. have to go monkey way; apply for temporary job & hospital applies for temporary kennitala for immigrant & then when immigrant has temporary kennitala, immigrant can get signed contract & apply for permanent kennitala’
[35 min drive]
‘hospital wants to apply for kennitala for immigrant’
‘sure thing & no prob’

day 11
despite nightmares, stomach knots & worries, immigrant survives!

day 15
yay! immigrant work is great!
happy happy, joy joy






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