almost over

forgets the thingy on his ankle when he wakes up & gets brilliant idea!!

fucking with them!

see, siggimus has been participating in clinical research for restless leg syndrome

yes, restless leg syndrome [more]

siggimus doesn’t have it, but a close relative does. apparently this means that your legs are a bit restless

anyhoo, this research involves sleeping with some silly gadget tied to an ankle for five nights, and filling out a questionnaire every morning about how siggimus slept. the questions include when did siggimus go to sleep, how often did he wake up, did he drink coffee, did he drink alcohol & stuff

the gadget is supposed to measure the restlessness of the leg during the night

staying up all night, shaking leg all around, but answering the questionnaire as if it was an uneventful night…

serves them right, right?






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